Education Grant WinnerElaine Cantu-Campos

For students who endure inadequate living conditions, being able to buy school supplies, clothes, or even just the basic necessities can be a challenging obstacle to overcome. Educators, oftentimes, look at a child and see they are struggling, and being there when they need it most sends a powerful message of compassion.

Elaine Cantu-Campos, educator at Judson Care Academy, was looking to provide the resources her students—and the school in general—needed that they were unable to afford at their respective homes. Thanks to Power of the Dollar® members, she was awarded a $1,000 grant in December 2024 for her “Judson Care Academy’s Closet” idea, which she then used to purchase clothing from shirts to pants, shoes, socks, an assortment of hygiene products, and so much more—she continues to restock them, too!

“I felt like when I was working, I had a lot of students come up to me for socks, or clothing, or shampoo… and so we came to the idea of let’s have a corner where we have stuff available for students when needed at any time,” said Cantu-Campos. “A lot of teachers would come to me and ask me for this stuff ‘cause they know notice a student is not able to pay attention or come to school because they need hygiene, or they don’t have the shirt that they need to come to J-Care, so that way the student feels comfortable in their school environment.”

Students at Judson Care Academy have felt the new supply corner has given them an area where they can feel at ease. Whenever a child is going through a difficult patch in their life, it’s a daunting experience to endure, and sometimes they will look to find a place that is comforting to ease their mind. Stationed in the same location as the school’s counselor and social worker, the closet is in a pocket of the school where kids can feel calm and safe—and it’s made a big difference for everybody in the J-Care community.

“I feel like the clothing closet has been a positive impact for J-Care because it’s giving our students a place to go to when they need something,” she said. “It’s been huge help for our campus because our teachers know who to go to. So, if they see someone needing something they are able to call me right away. I feel like this clothing closet has been a huge help for our campus!”

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