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Prior to his retirement in 2004, Mr. Pinson spent the better part of four decades serving the San Antonio education community at both the San Antonio and Northside Independent School Districts as teacher, assistant principal, and vice principal, finally capping his career as principal of a large 5A high school. A graduate of local Jefferson High School, Mr. Pinson earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas, and his master’s degree in business administration and mid-management certification from the University of Texas in San Antonio. Mr. Pinson joined the Firstmark Credit Union Board of Directors as an advisory director in 2006, and was appointed a director of the Board in 2008 and Chairman of the Board in 2012. He additionally serves as chair of the Board of Administrators for the credit union’s CUSO, FMCU Financial Group, Inc.
A member of the credit union’s Audit Committee since 2012, Mr. Ralph was appointed an Advisory Director on the Board of Directors in 2013. Mr. Ralph began his professional career as an officer in the United States Air Force, where he served for over 20 years. He is currently a Program Manager for the Air Force Audit Agency at Randolph Air Force Base and Chief of Operations of Pediatric Dental Wellness in Houston. A Certified Public Accountant, Mr. Ralph holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree in Administrative Management/Business Administration.
Ms. Friesenhahn combined her love for music with a professional career in education, dedicating over 34 years as a high school band director in the Seguin, Luling, LaVernia, and Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School Districts. Originally from Pflugerville, Texas, Ms. Friesenhahn earned both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in music education from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. She began in a volunteer capacity with the credit union by serving on the prestigious Nominating Committee in 2006, and was then asked to serve on the Board of Directors as an Advisory Director in 2007. She was subsequently elected by the membership as a full Director in 2009. She additionally serves as vice chair of the Board of Administrators for the credit union’s CUSO, FMCU Financial Group, Inc.
A member of Firstmark Credit Union since 1972, Mr. Peña has served as director of the Board since 2002. Professionally, he served as Director of Secondary Human Resources for the Northside Independent School District for over 16 years, where he was responsible for overseeing the staffing of school personnel for middle and high schools throughout the district. A native Texan, Mr. Peña earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas Pan American and a master’s degree from Texas A&I University.
A lifelong educator, Mr. Orozco began his professional career in 1961 at Irving Junior High School and Fox Tech High School. He is a graduate of St. Mary’s University and holds both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in English. In 1968, he became Professor of English at San Antonio College and continued in this position until his retirement in 2008. A member of Firstmark Credit Union for more than 45 years, Mr. Orozco has served on the Firstmark Credit Union Board of Directors since 1971.
Prior to her retirement in 1999 as a teacher for the San Antonio Independent School District, Ms. Coleman traveled throughout the world during 32 years of service as teacher and counselor for the Department of Defense, including assignments in Germany, Japan, the Philippines, and Panama. Ms. Coleman earned her bachelor’s degree from Trinity University and Master of Education from Our Lady of the Lake University. Ms. Coleman joined the Firstmark Credit Union Board of Directors as an advisory director in 2008, and was elected a director of the Board in 2009, and currently serves as chairman of the Frank Price Cunningham and Helen Shipman Cunningham Memorial Scholarship Committee.
Before retiring in 2017, Mr. Jones enjoyed a career of over 40 years in both the government and private sectors, focusing on information technology and a variety of business initiatives; thirty-five of those years were in support of the banking, insurance, investment management, and credit union industries. Mr. Jones has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in international business from Our Lady of the Lake University and a Bachelor of Science in both management science and business administration from Southern Illinois University. Additionally, he holds certifications as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and from the Fellow, Life Management Institute (FLMI). Mr. Jones and his wife enjoy traveling the world and playing golf. An active volunteer, Mr. Jones spends time supporting his church and serving as a pilot for Angel Flight Southwest, helping to provide free air transportation for individuals in need of specialized medical care. He started his volunteer service with Firstmark Credit Union in 2019 as a member of the Risk & Cyber Committee and currently serves as its chair. Mr. Jones joined the Firstmark Credit Union Board of Directors as an advisory director in 2020, and was elected a director of the Board in 2023.
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