Secured Loans

New and Used Auto Loans

(2018 and newer) and Used Auto Loans - Up to 6 model years (Greater than 6 years old, add 1.00%)

Terms as low as APR1 Payment per $10,0004
36 6.99% $309
48 6.99% $239
66 ($10,000 Minimum) 6.99% $183
72 ($15,000 Minimum) 7.34% $172
78 ($25,000 Minimum) 7.84% $164
84 ($30,000 Minimum) 8.34% $158

Apply for a New or Used Auto

New Boats

To apply for a new or used Boat or Jet Ski Loan, visit us at any Financial Centers or call (210) 442-0199.

Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
36 9.25% $319
48 9.25% $250
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 9.25% $209
72 ($15,000 Minimum) 10.25% $187
84 ($25,000 Minimum) 11.25% $173
Used Boats
Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
36 10.25% $324
48 10.25% $255
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 10.25% $214
72 ($15,000 Minimum) 11.25% $192
84 ($25,000 Minimum) 12.25% $178
New Motorcycles

To apply for a new or used Motorcycle, visit us at any Financial Centers or call (210) 442-0199.

Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
36 9.25% $319
48 9.25% $250
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 9.25% $209
Used Motorcycles
Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
36 10.25% $324
48 10.25% $255
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 10.25% $214
New Recreational Vehicles

To apply for a new or used RV, visit us at any Financial Centers or call (210) 442-0199.

Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 9.25% $209
84 ($30,000 Minimum) 10.25% $167
120 ($60,000 Minimum) 12.25% $145
Used Recreational Vehicles
Terms APR1 Payment per $10,0004
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 10.25% $214
84 ($30,000 Minimum) 11.25% $173
120 ($60,000 Minimum) 13.25% $151
Unsecured Loans

Personal Loans
Terms APR2 Payment per $10,0004
12 ($2,000 Minimum) 10.49% $881
24 ($2,000 Minimum) 10.49% $464
36 ($2,400 Minimum) 10.99% $327
48 ($4,000 Minimum) 11.49% $261
60 ($10,000 Minimum) 11.99% $222
Line of Credit
Terms APR2
Revolving 11.99%
Mortgage Loans


Home Equity
Terms ($25,000 Minimum) APR5 Payment per $10,0004
60 7.24% $199
84 7.31% $152
120 7.51% $119
180 7.58% $93
240 7.70% $82
300 7.88% $76
Home Improvement
Terms ($25,000 Minimum) APR5 Payment per $10,0004
60 8.40% $205
84 8.46% $158
120 8.67% $125
180 8.74% $100
240 9.36% $92
Credit Card

Terms APR6
VISA Platinum Low Rate 13.00%
VISA Platinum Rewards 15.00%
Educator First Loans

Pre-Graduation Student Teaching Loan (12-48 Month Terms) $3,500 Max Loan Amount

Term as low as APR7 Payment per $3,5004
48 6.60% $83

Post-Graduation Bridge Loan (12-48 Month Terms) $3,500 Max Loan Amount

Terms as low as APR7 Payment per $3,5004
36 9.60% $112

Teachers Certification Loan (12-60 Month Terms) $5,000 Max Loan Amount

Terms as low as APR7 Payment per $5,0004
60 5.00% $94

Classroom Supply Loan (1-10 Month Terms) $500 Max Loan Amount

Terms as low as APR8 Payment per $5004
10 0.00% ---
Teacher's Retirement Buy-Back Loan

Terms as low as APR1 Payment per $10,0004
24 8.35% $454
36 8.60% $316
48 9.10% $249
60 9.60% $211
Certificate of Deposit

Youth CDs $1009
Terms APY10 Dividend Rate
6 Months 3.75% 3.69%
1 Year 3.75% 3.69%
Flex CDs $2509
Terms APY18 Dividend Rate
1 Year 3.60% 3.54%
CDs $5007

* Indicates that these terms are available as Individual Retirement Account (IRA) CDs.

Terms APY11 Dividend Rate
6 Months 3.75% 3.69%
7 Months Promo 4.25% 4.17%
11 Months Promo 4.00% 3.93%
1 Year* 3.75% 3.69%
18 Months* 3.75% 3.69%
2 Years* 2.75% 2.72%
3 Years* 2.75% 2.72%
5 Years* 2.75% 2.72%
Money Market

On Your Mark® Money Market Account (Consumer and Commercial)
Terms APY12 Dividend Rate
$250 and Over 0.50% 0.50%
Less Than $250 0.00% 0.00%
Share Accounts

Savings Accounts
Terms APY14 Dividend Rate
All Balances 0.05% 0.05%
Holiday and Summer Savers Club Account 0.25% 0.25%
IRA Share Accounts
Terms APY14 Dividend Rate
All Balances 0.05% 0.05%
Health Savings Account
Terms APY14 Dividend Rate
$15,000.00 and over 0.25% 0.25%
$5,000.00-$14,999.99 0.20% 0.20%
$1,000.00-$4,999.99 0.15% 0.15%
$0.00-$999.99 0.10% 0.10%
Checking Accounts
Terms APY17 Dividend Rate
Power of the Dollar® MAX Checking* 3.00% 2.96%
Power of the Dollar® Plus Checking 0.15% 0.15%
Power of the Dollar® Checking 0.10% 0.10%
Free Checking 0.01% 0.01%
Business Plus Checking 0.05% 0.05%
Organization Checking 0.05% 0.05%

APY is Annual Percentage Yield and is effective as of 10/7/2024. The 4.25% APY requires a minimum deposit of $500. Compounded monthly. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The stated annual percentage yields assume no withdrawal of principal or dividends during the 7 and 11-month terms of this certificate of deposit. Penalties will be incurred if early withdrawals are taken. Applicable to new money only from a financial institution other than Firstmark. Terms and conditions subject to change without notice. The Credit Union is federally insured.


Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 10/7/2024. The Credit Union may offer other rates in the future. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. Power of the Dollar® MAX is a tiered rate account. There is a minimum average daily balance required to earn the annual percentage yield disclosed for the dividend period. If the minimum average daily balance requirement is not met during the dividend period, you will not earn the stated annual percentage yield. For balances $0-$499, the Dividend rate is 0.00% with a APY range of 0.00%; Balances $0 – $10,000 the Dividend Rate is 2.96% with a APY range of 3.0%; Balances $10,000.01(+) the Dividend Rate will revert to 0.01% with a APY range of 0.01%.