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02/12/2025  Deposit Rates

The Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are As High As. NCUA — Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. ESI (Excess Share Insurance) coverage provides up to an additional $250,000 of savings protection to each qualifying account.
Savings Share Accounts
APY1 Dividend Rate
Savings Share Accounts
All Balances 0.05% 0.05%
Health Savings Accounts
$15,000.00 and over 0.25% 0.25%
$5,000.00-$14,999.99 0.20% 0.20%
$1,000.00-$4,999.99 0.15% 0.15%
$0.00-$999.99 0.10% 0.10%
Checking Accounts
APY2 Dividend Rate
Power of the Dollar® MAX Checking* 3.00% 2.96%
Power of the Dollar® Plus Checking  0.15% 0.15%
Power of the Dollar® Checking  0.10% 0.10%
Basic Checking 0.01% 0.01%
Business Plus Checking 0.05% 0.05%
Organization Checking 0.05% 0.05%
On Your Mark Money® Market Account
APY3 Dividend Rate
$250 and Over 0.50% 0.50%
Less Than $250 0.00% 0.00%
MAX Money Market Account
APY10 Dividend Rate
$0 – $249.99 0.00% 0.00%
$250 – $2,499.99 0.50% 0.50%
$2,500 – $9,999.99 1.75% 1.74%
$10,000 – $24,999.99 2.00% 1.98%
$25,000 – $49,999.99 2.25% 2.23%
$50,000 – $99,999.99 2.50% 2.47%
$100,000 (+) 3.00% 2.96%
IRA Share Accounts
APY4 Dividend Rate
All Balances 0.05% 0.05%
Certificate of Deposits
6Mo. 7Mo.Promo 11Mo.Promo 1Yr. 18Mo.†† 2Yr. 3Yr. 5Yr.
$1005, 6 – YOUTH CDs
APY7 3.50% 3.75%
Dividend Rate 3.45% 3.69%
FLEX CDs – $2505
APY9 3.60%
Dividend Rate 3.54%
CDs – $5005
APY7 3.50% 4.10% 4.00% 3.75% 3.75% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75%
Dividend Rate 3.45% 4.03% 3.93%  3.69% 3.69% 2.72% 2.72% 2.72%
  1. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.
  2. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.
  3. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.
  4. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Minimum $5 to open a savings or IRA savings account. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.
  5. Indicates that these are the minimums available.
  6. Only available to youth members (ages 17 and younger).
  7. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The stated APY assumes no withdrawal of principal or dividends during the term of the certificate of deposit. Penalties will be incurred if early withdrawals are taken.
  8. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account.
  9. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. Subject to change without notice. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The stated APY assumes no withdrawal of principal or dividends during the term of the certificate of deposit. Penalties will be incurred if excessive (more than two) early withdrawals are taken.
  10. APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. MAX Money Market requires a Power of the Dollar® MAX checking account. If your Power of the Dollar® MAX checking account is closed at any time during the month, your MAX Money Market account will be converted to a On Your Mark® Money Market account. The dividends will be converted to the On Your Mark® Money Market at the current rate on the first of each month. See rate sheet for APY information. Checks will not be allowed on MAX Money Market accounts. Minimum daily balance of $250 to earn APY. Balances $250.00 – $2,499.99 the dividend is 0.50% with an APY of 0.50%; Balances between $2,500 – $9,999.99, the dividend is 1.74% with an APY of 1.75%; Balances between $10,000 – $24,999.99, the dividend is 1.98% with an APY of 2.00%; Balances between $25,000 – $49,999.99, the dividend is 2.23% with an APY of 2.25%; Balances between $50,000 – $99,999.99, the dividend is 2.47% with an APY of 2.50%; Balances over $100,000, the dividend is 2.96% with a APY of 3.00%. Compounded monthly.
APY is Annual Percentage Yield and is effective as of 02/12/2025. The 4.10% APY requires a minimum deposit of $500. Compounded monthly. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. The stated APY assumes no withdrawal of principal or dividends during the 7- and 11-month terms of this certificate of deposit. Penalties will be incurred if early withdrawals are taken. Applicable to new money only from a financial institution other than Firstmark. Terms and conditions subject to change without notice. Federally insured by NCUA.
Indicates that these terms are available as Individual Retirement Account (IRA) CDs.
* Annual Percentage Yield. Accurate as of 02/12/2025. The Credit Union may offer other rates in the future. Compounded monthly. A minimum balance is required to open this account. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. Power of the Dollar® MAX is a tiered rate account. There is a minimum average daily balance required to earn the annual percentage yield disclosed for the dividend period. If the minimum average daily balance requirement is not met during the dividend period, you will not earn the stated annual percentage yield. For balances $0-$499, the Dividend rate is 0.00% with a APY range of 0.00%; Balances $0 – $10,000 the Dividend Rate is 2.96% with a APY range of 3.0%; Balances $10,000.01(+) the Dividend Rate will revert to 0.01% with a APY range of 0.01%.

Let's Get Started

Needed Items

To make this process as quick as possible, please have the following ready for yourself and any joint account holders on the account, including beneficiaries:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Valid ID
  • Initial Deposit Amount (ACH or Credit Card)

Choose one of the following:

Let's Get Started

Needed Items
To make this process as quick as possible, please have the following ready for yourself and any joint account holders on the account, including beneficiary’s:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Valid ID
  • Requested Loan Amount